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Opening Up About My Depression With Pregnancy

 March 7th 2020 changed my life forever. It feels like a distant memory, yet I remember it all too well. It's kind of weird how it happened. I had no signs or symptoms to believe that I was pregnant. Knowing I was going to Florida soon and had just started birth control, I thought I'd take a test. I didn't even think twice about it. *cue my heart breaking* Devastated. I was absolutely devastated. I had never experienced a moment like that in my life. Right now, I can truthfully say it was almost as painful as hearing about my grandpa passing away. I lost my shit.  Instantly, I fell to my knees in hysterics. I broke out in hives and was hyperventilating. In that exact moment, I really thought my life was over. I hated myself. How could I be so stupid? I did not want this. That was the loneliest day of my life. I was terrified to tell anyone, except Nathan. My life certainly felt over, but he seemed fine. I ended up getting 2 more tests that day and praying they would say neg...

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